3.2.2 oblique casesOblique case nouns take adverbial position, i.e. between the lexical verb and the auxiliary. dativeThe dative case is used for indirect objects, other non-locative, and non-instrumental oblique arguments of the verb. The queen gave a sword to the warrior. ir arielle eleth an ir authnar megillon erannaen (arlair ne osnair no megla anth) __________________________________________________________________________________________ ir arnarielle eleth en ir i arro =nar =iel -e el- -eth en i the rule =one.who =fem -[A] assertive- -past agt.to.pat the det v =agtv =gnd -erg mood- -tense ptp det the queen did agt.to.pat the authnar megillon erannaen autho =nar -0 megil -on er- anno -ae -n make.war =one.who -[P] sword -[Obl] do- give -agt/pat -actn/proc v =agtv -abs n -dat agt- v -val -vc warrior sword give instrumentalThe instrumental case marks the object as the instrument with which the action of the verb is carried out. I killed the tiger with a bow. eleth en i dais cuios ernurgoraen (ne taisir cuini en nogodh) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (ner) eleth en i dais cuios ner -0 el- -eth en i tais -0 cui -os I -[A] assertive- -past agt.to.pat the tiger -[P] bow -with 1per -nom mood- -tense ptp det n -abs n -instr I did agt.to.pat the tiger with.bow ernurgoraen er- en- ur- coiro -ae -n do- cause- not- live -agt/pat -actn/proc agt- caus- neg- v -val -vc slay genitiveThe Genitive case marks an associative relation. The king's land i dhor arnarannion (dorir arrao) _________________________________________________________________________________________ i dhor arnarannion i dor arro =nar =an -ion the land rule =one.who =masc -of det n v =agtv =gnd -gen the land of king abessiveThe Abessive case marks the absence of the referent noun. The land without trees. i dhor eldairrul (dorir ul aldrei) __________________________________________________________________________________________ i dhor eldairrul i dor aldar -i -ul the land tree -plu -without det n n -num -abess the land without.trees |