3.2.1 core cases ergativeThe Ergative case is used for nouns in A-function to a transitive predicate. The boy is eating the soup. ir adhanisse eliras im mathmear ervathien (adrasir ne masma ammastos) __________________________________________________________________________________________ ir adhanisse eliras i adh =an =is -e el- -ir -as the second(man) =masc =small -[A] assertive- -prog -pres det qty =gnd =dim -erg mood- -asp -tense the boy does in mathmear ervathien in matho mear -0 er- matho -ie -n agt.to.thm eat liquid -[P] do- eat -agt/thm -actn/proc ptp v n -abs agt- v -val -vc agt.to.thm soup eat absolutiveThe Absolutive case is used for nouns in S-function to an intransitive predicate. The woman is sleeping. en ir anariel murmarth (adlair murmath) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (elieth) an ir nardhiel el- -i -eth an i narid =iel -0 assertive- -perf -past to.pat the person =fem -[S] mood- -asp -tense ptp det n =gnd -abs do to.pat the woman murmarth murmo -a -rth sleep -pat -state v -val -vc asleep and in P-function to a transitive predicate. The boy is eating the soup. ir adhanisse eliras im mathmear ervathien (adrasir ne masma ammastos) __________________________________________________________________________________________ ir adhanisse eliras i adh =an =is -e el- -ir -as the second(man) =masc =small -[A] assertive- -prog -pres det qty =gnd =dim -erg mood- -asp -tense the boy does in mathmear ervathien in matho mear -0 er- matho -ie -n agt.to.thm eat liquid -[P] do- eat -agt/thm -actn/proc ptp v n -abs agt- v -val -vc agt.to.thm soup eat |