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conlang links

This page contains constructed language related links to sites
on the web.
Chris Bogart's site containing a good catalog of conlangs listed by category (e.g. artistic, logical et. al.)
Mark Line's Waldzell project. Based on the Waldzell Glass Bead Game, this appeared to
be an innovative approach to conlang design. The project was
apparently abandoned at about the same time that Mark dropped out of
conlang circles (3/97)
The FAQ Page for the conlang mailing list. "Everything you ever
wanted to know about making up your own language, and more."
Unfortunately, this page has not been maintained. Last updated 12/20/97
A collection of writings on language design by Rick Morneau, including "Lexical
Semantics", a revolutionary essay on the subject, is a must-see for
all conlang enthusiasts!
Richard Kennaway's catalog of conlang resources on the web
Not much here yet, but seemingly good direction. May have been abandoned in pursuit of Lojban
Jeffrey Henning's langmaker site. Home of the LangMaker software, the Babel Text, the Dublex
Game and much more.
Some conlang links. This page doesn't seem to have any indication of who its author might be.
Don Bleheta's list of language links including General Linguistics, Auxlangs, Conlangs and Natlangs
Headquarters for the Scattered Tongues Web Ring containing links to more than 60 sites