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The perfect introduction for the
novice astronomer, this book stirs the imagination and puts observation in a
framework of social activity and personal adventure. Written by an award-winning
amateur astronomer and columnist, it is a technical guide to the sky, full of
helpful practical hints. The lively and fresh style of the author will engage,
entertain, and inform the reader. Newcomers will learn how to enjoy the Moon,
planets, comets, meteors, and distant galaxies observable through a small
telescope. For instance, author Levy describes the features of the Moon from
night to night; how to observe constellations in both Northern and Southern
hemispheres; how best to view the stars, nebulae, and galaxies; how to follow
the planets on their annual trek among the constellations; how to map the sky;
how to find a new comet; how to buy or even make a telescope; what to see in a
month of lunar observations or a year of stellar observation; and much more.
Beginners who have just joined an astronomy club or amateurs who wish to learn
more about what can be accomplished with a small telescope will not find a
better first book.

The author provides the reader with a
vast amount of projects regarding the sun, moon, planets and other bodies in our
solar system which can be observed with the aid of only a basic telescope. Also
describes various inexpensive filters helpful for planetary observation. Along
with illustrations and hundreds of individual inquiries for the amateur
astronomer to pursue, the author offers a section advising the reader on the
proper use and care of a telescope and advantages and drawbacks regarding
various types of telescopes available on today's market.

The first practical, interactive
guide for learning astronomy.

A user-friendly guide
offering all the necessary information for anyone purchasing a telescope,
using one for the first time or upgrading current equipment. Includes a
comparison of available telescopes describing which are best suited to
specific needs. Contains scores of handy tips, diagrams, illustrations and
activities and suggests what to look for in the night sky.

The subtitle "A
Beginner’s Guide to Observing the Cosmos" could have omitted the
word “beginner’s.” This book packs a lot of information for the
experienced amateur. The text goes much deeper than the little techniques
I have seen in other observing guides, like averted vision and proper dark
adaptation. It provides specific recommendations for most types of
celestial targets suitable for amateur telescopes.

Owners of small telescopes
will appreciate this revised edition of a classic, which has been updated
to AD 2006, and which includes hundreds of night sky objects easily viewed
by the home observer. From seasonal challenges in making observations to
locating common guideposts and visible clusters, this is the home
astronomer's 'bible'.

An essential reference tool
for both beginning and veteran sky observers. Drawing on decades of
stargazing experience, the authors suggest what equipment to buy and what
to avoid, describe observing techniques, and explain how to hunt down the
most interesting celestial objects. Each chapter is illustrated with the
latest, breathtaking astrophotography.

None of the above catch your fancy? You can search for anything in Amazon's
huge database here: