| Astronomy
- What's UP This Month ?? -- A great review of what the sky has in store
for the current month. |
 | Sky & Telescope and Astronomy
-- Two great amateur astronomy magazines with a lot of great info! |
 | Sunrise
Sunset Calendar -- Calculate the Sunrise/Sunset anywhere, any day! |
 | StarMap
-- Print out a star chart for any place on Earth, any night. Includes planet
positions, moons, and Lunar Phases. |
 | Interactive
Solar System -- See where the planets are today! /td> |
- JSC Digital Image Collection Home -- A greaet collection of NASA images.
 | History of
Astronomy -- Get to know some of the people and places in astronomical
history. |
 | The
Enterprise Mission - The Pioneer Plaque -- See images of the actual
plaque carrying the message of humanity out into space! |
 | Virtual
Trips to Black Holes -- Ever wanted to dive into a black hole? If you
were ever unlucky enough to do so, this might be what you'd see. |
Internet Space Warehouse -- Everything you ever wanted to know
about space, space exploration, and the planets. |
Public Information -- Take a look through the Hubble! |
 | The
May 5, 2000 Planetary Alignment And Its Destructive Potential -- A
scientific view of why it will have none.
A Little More In-Depth....
 | Eric's
Treasure Trove of Astronomy -- Brief definitions and derivations for
everything from Absolute Magnitude to Zodiacal Light. |
 | Positional Astronomy
-- An excellent set of lecture notes on Spherical Trigonometry, Coordinate
Systems, Siderial Time, Parallax, Calendars, and more! |
 | Usenet
Relativity FAQ -- Everything you ever wanted to know about Relativity!
 | Usenet
Astronomy FAQ -- All the answers to the most frequently asked astronomy
questions! |
 | Extrasolar
Planets Encyclopaedia -- Get the lowdown on all of the extrasolar
planets yet discovered! /font> |
 | Near-Earth
Asteroid 3753 Cruithne -- Learn about this bizarre asteroidal
companion to the Earth! |
 | SkyView
Virtual Observatory -- Name them an object or provide some co-ordinates,
and they'll give you the sky.
Primary Sources For Professionals....
 | Simbad
Astronomical Database -- Find up-to-date data on almost any object in
the sky. |
 | NED
-- Find data on extragalactic objects specifically tailored for
extragalactic astronomers. |
 | The
NASA Astrophysics Data System Home Page -- Look up and download
astronomy journal articles. |
 | Astro-ph
-- See journal articles before they're even published!