
The Pages of The Gray Wizard


Preliminary Concepts

lexicon (bethparma)

Entries in this lexicon are listed by root in the following format:

adardhel <adar-del> [n    ] (pl aderdhil) uncle/aunt;
ámman îar <deriv-ation> [pos] (pl plural     ) English gloss;

A   B   C   CH   D   DH   E   F   G   H   I   L   M   N   O   P   R   RH   S   SH   T   TH   U   V   Î   Ø


adar <adar> [n] (pl edair) (1) parent; (2) patron, protector, guardian; (3) an owl,  considered to be a bird of good omen; adradel  <adar-del> [n] (pl edraidel) uncle/aunt (epicene); adradelan  <adar-del-an> [n] (pl adredilan) maternal uncle; adradelîel <adar-del-îel> [n] (pl adradilil) paternal aunt, more commonly amilil (see under amil); adran <adar-an> [n] (pl edrain) father; adrannis <adar-an-is> [n] (pl adrennis) paternal uncle if younger than father; adrannon <adar-an-ron> [n] (pl adrennöin) paternal uncle if older than father; adrar <adar-ar> [n] (1) parenthood; (2) the characteristics , condition of a parent; adrellis  <adar-îel-is> [n] (pl adrillis) maternal aunt if younger than mother; adrellon  <adar-îel-ron> [n] (pl adrillöin) maternal aunt if older than mother; adrîel <adar-îel> [n] (pl edril) mother, more commonly amil (see under amil); adrisan <adar-is-an> [n] (pl edrisan) dad, also meltadran; adrisîel <adar-is-îel> [n] (pl adrisil) mom, also meltadrel; adron <adar-ron> [n] (pl edröin) grandparent, ancester; adronan <adar-ron-an> [n] (pl edroinan) grandfather, male ancestor, also haran granddad (see under haran); adronîel <adar-ron-îel> [n] (pl adrenil) grandmother, female ancester, more commonly amilon (see under amil) also harîel grandma (see under haran); meltadran <melit-adar-an>  [n] (pl meltedrain) dad, more commonly adrisan; meltadrîel <melit-adar-îel> [n] (pl meltedril) mom, more commonly adrisîell; vestadran <vesto-adar-an> [n] (pl vestedrain) father-in-law; vestadrîel <vesto-adar-îel> [n] (pl vestedril) mother-in-law;
adhel  <adh-del> [n] (pl edhil) (1) couple; (2) act (method,  means) of joining, a joining, link, connecting part; (3) something which seasons, gives a taste or relish to food, e.g. sauce, pickle, salt, vinegar, etc;    adhelo  <adh-del> [v] couple, join, link, connect; adhen  <adh-en> [n] (pl edhin) (1) a pair, brace, couple of anything; (2) a pack of playing cards; (3) a nut, kernal; adhenig  <adh-tengo> [n] (pl edhinig) brace; adhim  <adh> [n] the cardinal number two, also tadhim;  adhlemin <adh-lemin> [n] (pl edhlimin) fortnight; adhlir  <adh-lir> [n] double, twice, twofold; adhrasil <adh-hras-il> [n] (pl edhraisil) biscuit; badh <be-adh> [adj] two, also vegûanen;  enerino lira adhel  <en-erino adh-del> [v] loosen the joints, of a person lying at ease; nostadhen  < nosto adh-en> [n] (pl nestaidhen) twins, also gûanen (see under gûana);  vadhil  l  <ve-adh-il> [adj] second; vadhilir   <ve-adh-il-lir> [adj] secondary;
adh-had   (idiomatic for after in place — literally second place)
          adha  <adh-had-da> [pp] behind; adhad cammîon  <adh-had camma> [n] (plur adhad cemmîon) back of hand, excluding the fingers; adhad dallîon  <adh-had dalla> [n] (pl adhad dellîon) heel; adhad hadhîon  <adh-had hadha> [n] (pl adhad hedhîon) background; adhad îethîon <adh-had îetha> [n] back of neck, nape, also coat collar; adhad rangîon  <adh-had ranga> [n] (plur adhad rengîon) forearm; adhad telgîon  <adh-had teleg> [n] (plur adhad tilgîon) calf of leg; adhadar  <adh-had> [n] (pl edhaidar) (1) the back part, the rear; (2) the contrary; adhadhe  <adh-had-de> [adv] after, behind, of a place behind, at the back of, whether (1) on the farther side of, beyond, or (2) after, in the rear of; (3) , in a contrary way; îar adhadhe  a kind of pig-latin, the last syllable of each word being made the first (îar dehadadh is îar adhadhe in îar adhadhe); ner adhadhe behind me, also something quite the opposite to what I am; nor adhadhe  <norro adh-had> [adv] backwards;
adh-thila  (idiomatic for after in time — literally second time)
adhil neldîon  <adh-thila nelda> [n] (pl adhil nildîon) afternoon; adhil tincîon   <adh-thila tinca> [n] (pl adhil tincîon) postscript; adhille  <adh-thila-le> [adv] after, behind, of time (1) hereafter, in the future, (2) behind, in the past; (3) usually aradhille (from ir adhilon, literally the after) meanwhile, to resume of returning to a point in a story; adhla  <adh-la> [pp] after, in succession to (of time); chæron oladhil  later, subsequent (usually contradictory) news; vadhil  <ve-adh-thila> [adj] late;
adhan  <adhan> [n] (pl edhain) man (epicene), human, member of the human race (the generic use of the word to refer to any human being); adhandar  <adhan-dar> [n] (pl adhendair) mankind, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans; adhanen  <adhan-en> [n] (pl edhainen) a man of refinement, a gentleman; term of address, sir, as a rule used only by soldiers, otherwise use malcar (see under malce ); adhanil  <adhan-il> [n] (pl edhainil) adult male; adhannis  <adhan-is> [n] (pl adhennis) boy, lad, male child, also seldan (pl sildain); adhanoth  <adhan-hoth> [n] (pl edhainoth) community, a group of people having cultual or religious characteristics in common; nethadhan  <nethe adhan> [n] (pl nithaidhan) youth, young person, especially a young man or boy; vadhanlir  <ve-adhan-lir> [adj] human, characteristic of humanity; vadhenlir  <ve-adhan-en-lir> [adj] humane, motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering; vemandhan  <ve-mande adhan> [adj] regarded with great favor, approval or affection especially by the general public, popular; vestadhan  <vesta adhan> [n] (pl vistaidhan) husband, married man, also benan; vordhandar  <ve-or-adhan-dar> [adj] private, personal;
aglar  <aglar> [n] (1) praise, commendation, applause; (2) character, reputation, fame; (3) an adjective (pl eglair); aglardhel  <aglar-del> [n] (1) rejoicings, triumph; (2) praises, congratulations; aglarelo  <aglar-del> [v] make rejoicings (for, at); shout or sing with joy and triumph; make demonstrations of enthusiasm, congratulate; aglaril  <aglar-il> [n] (pl eglairil) commendation; aglarilo  <aglar-il> [v] commend, complement; aglaro  <aglar> [v] praise, commend; aglarun  <aglar-un> [n] flattery; aglarunar  <aglar-un-nar> [n] (pl aglerûinar) a gross flatterer, toady, parasite; aglaruno  <aglar-un> [v] flatter; aglaruno nerve  <aglar-un nera> [v] brag, boast; inaglarelo  <in-aglar-del> [v] be received with triumph (rejoicings, congratulations); inoraglar  <in-or-aglar> [n] worthiness of blame because of not treating a person with the respect to which they are entitled; neraglarun  <nera-aglar-un> [n] self-praise, boasting; oraglar  <or-aglar> [n] blame, fault; oraglaril  <or-aglar-il> [n] (pl oreglairil) complaint; oraglarilo  <or-aglar-il> [v] complain, grumble, also nuro  nuro; oraglaro  <or-aglar> [v] blame; oraglarun  <or-aglar-un> [n] (pl oreglairun) abuse; oraglaruno  <or-aglar-un> [v] physically or verbally abuse;
ai <ai> [int] Interjection of wonder, pleasure, pain, acquiescence, dissent, etc., according to the mode of expression, intonation, and the length of the vowels.
aigledel <aigle-del>  [n] narrowness, thinness, slenderness, fineness, delicacy (of fabric, texture, grain); aigledir <aigle-dir> [n] the narrow or sharp part of a thing;  maigel  <ma-aigle> [adj] (1) narrow, slim, thin, pinched, confined; (2) fine, delicate, minute (in texture, fabric, grain)moraigel  <ma-or-aigle> [adj] broad, wide, flat, level, also morland; oraigelo <or-aigle> [v] make broad, broaden, widen, spread apart, open out; oraigledel  <or-aigle-del> [n] broadness, wideness, flatnessoraigledir <or-aigle-dir> the wide or broad part of a thing, flat side, breadth, width, diameter;
aimîe <aim-ie> [adv] how, to what extent, amount or degree, in what way or manner or by what means; aimromme  <aim-ron-me>  [adv] however;
ainadhan  <aina-had-dan-(an?)> [n] (pl enaidhan) (1) priest; (2) soothesayer, a person who predicts by use of a divining stone; also used sometimes for (3) deceiver, swindler; ainadhanîel <aina-had-dan-îel> [n] (pl ainadhenil) priestess; ainar  <aina-nar> [n] (pl enair) (1) holy person; (2) cleanliness, purity, material and moral and so sanctity, holiness; ainhad  <aina-had> [n] (pl enhaid) temple; ainhadhis <aina-had-is> [n] (pl ainhedhis) altar; ainhoth <aina-hoth> [n] (pl enhöith) (1) religion, creed; (2) worship, divine service; ainnon  <aina-ron> [n] (pl ennöin) (1) deity, of god, divinity, divine essence or nature of a personal god; (2) a god also ainur ainur; (3) providence, luck, accident — used to describe anything unaccountable or unexpectedainureno baimme <aina-ur-en baina> [v] be resigned, accept the inevitable, submit — seldom of felt or active gratitude; ainureno astirve <aina-ur-en asta-dir> [v] be wholly given to a god — the strongest expression for a religious life and when pressed to its extreme, i.e. union with or sharing the nature of god, repudiated by the priests of iluvatar as impious and inconceivable; vain <ve-aina> [adj] holy, sacred;
ais  <ais> [n] (pl es) question, inquiry; aisendar  <ais-en-dar> [n] (pl aisindair) invitation; aisil  <ais-il> [n] (pl esil) application; aisilo  <ais-il> [v] (1) apply for; (2) question, examine, often used in the sense of asking in a tactful manner so as not to cause annoyance; aiso  <ais> [v] ask, inquireaiso balme  <ais balle> [v] ascertain, inquire into or about; aisono  <ais-ron> [v] (1) beg, pray, appeal, solicit, petition; (2) be a beggar; aissonnis  <ais-ron-is> [n] (pl aissennis) plea; aistel  <ais-del> [n] (pl estil) request; aistelo  <ais-del> [v] request; aistron  <ais-ron> [n]  (pl eströin) (1) interrogation; (2) trouble; aisun  <ais-un> [n] (pl esûin) demand; aisuno  <ais-un> [v] demand; alaiso <al-ais> ask about, foralaisono  <al-ais-ron> [v] ask on behalf of, plead for, intercede for, or petition against; baisono  <be-ais-ron> [v] (1) cause to beg, (2) instruct in prayers; enaiso  <en-ais> [v] invite; naisono  <ne-ais-ron> [v] (1) bewail, lament, in a ceremonial way; (2) beseech for, beg earnestly fororais  <or-ais> [n] (pl eres) answer, reply, response; oraiso <or-ais> [v] answer, reply, respond; taisono  <ta-ais-ron> [v] take an oathverais <ver-ais> [adv] why, for what reason;
aishadhe <ais-had-de> [adv] where; aishadhunde <ais-had-un-de> [adv] whither; aishadilde <ais -had-il-de> [adv] whereabouts; aishadronde <ais -had-ron-de> [adv] wherever; inaishadhe <in-ais-had-de> [adv] whence;
aisthille  <ais-thila-le> [adv] when; aisthildrole <ais-thila-ron-le> [adv] whenever;
aistirais <ais-dir-ais> [adv] what; aistironais  <ais-dir-ron-ais> whatever, whatsoever;
aldar <aldar> [n] (pl eldair) tree of any kind and in any state, also galadh (pl gelaidh); aldar ishushar  <aldar sushe> [n] (pl eldair ishushar) maple; aldar verforodh  <aldar forod> [n] (pl eldair verforod) pine, also thron; aldar vernardar  <aldar narda> [n] (pl eldair vernardar) cedar; aldraigel <aldar-aigle> [n] (pl aldregil) (1) any tall, slender tree; (2) used figuratively for backbone, spine;  aldardhir  <aldar-dir> [n] (pl alderdhir) a tree or part of a tree prepared for use - pole, post palisadealdardhiris  <aldar-dir-is> [n] (pl aldardhiris) a small pole, peg, stick;  aldren ervirul  <aldar-en er-mirul> [n] (pl eldrin ervirul) vine, also lîantas (pl lîentais); aldril  <aldar-il> [n] (pl eldril) (1) bough, branch of a tree; (2) stem with growing fruit or grainaldrilil  <aldar-il-il> [n] (pl eldrilil) (1) a very small splinter, broken piece, fragment, chip; (2) a very small piece of pot, broken plate, glass, etc.; aldris  <aldar-is> [n] (pl eldris) (1) plant; (2) a small tree, bush, shrub; aldrislir <aldar-is-lir) [n] (pl aldrislir) (1) act, process or method of planting; (2) time or season of plantingaldrisnar <aldar-is-nar> [n] (pl aldrisnair) a planter, one who plantsaldriso <aldar-is> [v] sow, plant, set in the ground; aldrisun  <aldar-is-un> [n] (pl eldrisun) weed; aldrisuno <aldar-is-un> [v] weed; aldron  <aldar-ron> [n] (pl eldröin) (1) a large tree; (2) a trunk of a tree; aldroth  <aldar-hoth> [n] woods; aldrothron <aldar-hoth-ron> [n] (pl aldrethröin) forest also taur (pl tur); asaldar  <as-aldar> [n] wood; asaldril  <as-aldar-il> [n] (pl aseldril) board; asaldron <as-aldar-ron> [n] timber;
alleno  <allo-en> [v] purify, cleanse, sanctify; allenar  <allo-en-nar> [n] (pl ellinar) a pure, clean person, a saint; allendir  <allo-en-dir> [n] cleanliness, purity, material and moral - and so sanctity, holinessallildir  <allo-il-dir> [n] (pl allildir) soap; allildro <allo-il-ron> [v] bathe, wash (hands, face); allildron <allo-il-ron> [n] (pl allildröin) bath, also saun (pl sun); allilhad <allo-il-had> [n] (pl allilhaid) washroom; allilo <allo-il> [v] (1) wash, spray, splash,  sprinkle, squirt; (2) wash, flush, polish, scour, scrub, soak, swab; (3) wash, clean (in preparing food); allo  <allo> [v] (1) clean; (2) clean, clear away; allo laimme  <allo laina> [v] (1) sweep into; (2) sweep from; (3) sweep across or over, oral <or- allo> [n] dirt, soil; oraldron <or-allo-ron> [n] soil, especially used of thick soil or clay; oralo <or-allo> [v] soil; oraloth <or-allo-hoth> [n] garbage, waste; val <ve-allo> [adj] clean; vallen <ve-allo-en> [adj] pure; voral  <ve-or-allo> [adj] dirty;
amda  <ama-da> [pp] (1) of position - above, high up, over, on, upon, on top of; amde  <ama-de> [adv] (1) up, above, over, at the top, upstairs, above ground; (2) in a higher place, at a higher part;  amîe  <ama-ie> (1) resting on, dependent on, obligatory, morally binding on; (2) over and above, in addition to, besides; (3) about, concerning, as to, in respect of, with regard toamûi <ama-ûi> [pp] of direction - up to above, from above; oram <or-ama> [n] (1) the bottom part; (2) a euphemism for the genital organs -  oraman, male - oramîel, female); oramda  <or-ama-da> [pp] (1) of position - below, under, beneath, on the bottom oforamde  <or-ama-de> [adv] (1) down, below, under, at the bottom, downstairs, underground; (2) in a lower place, at a lower part;  oramîe  <or-ama-ie> against, in opposition tooramûi <or-ama-ûi> [pp] down, also dadhûi; vamlir  <ve-ama-lir> [adj] (1) upper, (2) high up, exalted; (3) proud, arrogant, supercilious; (4) excited, perplexed, in an alarmed state of condition (of mind and feeling); voramlir <ve-or-ama-lir> [adj] (1) lower, (2) superficial, foolish, shallow, insignificant;
amaldar <amalde> [n] gentleness, kindness, meekness, slowness of movement - the quality implied is very complimentaryamalde <amalde> [int] an interjection frequently used to soothe or encourage or express sorrow, condolence after an accident, shock, misfortune, bad news - "be calm, take it easy, don't excite yourself" ;  amald<amalde-ie> [adv] gently, softly, quietlyoramaldoth  <or-amalde-hoth> [n] (pl orameldöith) a storm of any kind, also laum (pl lum); oramaldron  <or-amalde-ron> [n] (pl orameldöin) a hurricane, a storm of wind and rain, a tempest;  vamald  <ve-amalde> [adj] (1) gentle, mild; (2)  meek, sober-minded, amiable, kind; voramald  <ve-or-amalde> [adj] violent, drastic; voramaldar  <ve-or-amalde> [n] violence, cruelty;
ambar  <ambar> [n] (pl embair) (1) the world in general; (2) the inhabited world, earth, globe; (3) the continent af amman; ambradir <ambar-dir> [n] the world in a moral sense, the world as transitory, unstable; ambrador <ambar-dor> [n] the environment, each person's own surroundings (circle, circumstances); ambranar <ambar-nar> [n] (pl embrainar) (1) an inhabitant of the earth, a living person; (2) one who takes things calmly, a happy-go-lucky person (rather different from the English "worldy man")ambron <ambar-ron> [n] (pl embröin) the whole creation, universe; orambar  <or-ambar> [n] the sky, cloud region, upper air, heaven; also menel;
amil <amil>  [n] (pl emill) , mother, also adrîel; amilil  <amil-il>  [n] (pl  emilil) paternal aunt, also adardhelîel; amilon <amil-ron> [n] (pl emilon) grandmother,also adronîel; meltamil <melit-amil> [n]  (pl miltaimil) mom, also adrisîel);  (see under adar)
ammar <amma> [n] (pl emmair) a selection, a choosing, choice, discrimination; ammis <amma-is> [n] (pl emmis) daintiness, fastitiousnessamro  <amma-ron> [v] (1) specify, name, mention by name; (2) choose, select, pick out, make a choice; amunro <amma-un-ron> [v] make a biased, or partial selectionenammo <en-amma> [v] (1) specialize; (2) offer a choice to; vam <ve-amma> [adj] special, particular; vammil  <ve-amma-il> [adj] peculiar; vamron <ve-amma-ron> [adj] specific;
andar <ande> [n] (pl endair) length, tallness, depth, height, distance; andhilde <ande-il> [adv] along; mand <ma-ande> [adj] long, tall, high, deep; morand <ma-or-ande> [adj] short, brief, also mathend;
angar  <anga> [n] (pl engair) metal - of any kind, also tincar (pl tincair); angdel <anga-del> [n] iron, a piece of iron; angen  <anga-en> [n] gold, also mallen; angranar <anga-nar> [n] (pl engrainar) (1) used figuratively of a dependable, strong person, but also (2)  in the sense of difficult, miserly, hard-hearted; angron <anga-ron> [n] steel; dangen <de-anga-en> [adj gold in color, golden; also demallen; desilangar <de-sille-anga> [adj] silver in color (rare), more commonly deceleb; gangar <ge-anga> [adj] metallic, made of metal; gangdel <ge-anga-del> [adj] made of/from iron; gangen <ge-anga-en> [adj] golden, made of/from gold; also gemallen; gangron <ge-anga-ron> [adj] steel, made of/from steel; gemalengar <ge-malen-anga> [adj] brass, made of/from brass; also gecalas; gesillangar <ge-sille-anga [ad] silver, made of/from silver (rare), more commonly geceleb;  londangar  <londa-anga> [n]  (pl londengair) bell, also calon (pl celöin); malengar  <malen-anga> [n] brass, also calas; sillangar  <sille-anga> [n] silver, also celeb; villangdir <villo-anga-dir> [n] hardware, metal tool;

andaro <anno-dar> [v] distribute, give, give away, bestow, present (used when all reference to a person as recipient is omitted, otherwise use anno); andir  <anno-dir> [n] (pl endir) (1) gift, donation, present; (2) a large hook used for catching sharks; andir vemarden <anno-dir ve-marda-en> gift given by a father to a teacher on entering his child into school; anendiro <anno-en-dir> [v] reward; annar <anno-nar> [n] (pl ennair) giver; annelo <anno-del> [v] (1) render, offer (2) make a plan of, arrange; annendir <anno-en-dir> [n] (pl ennindir) prize, reward; annil   <anno-il> [n] (pl ennil) delivery; annisil <anno-is-il> [n] (pl ennisil) contribution; anniso <anno-is> [v] contribute; anno <anno> [v] give to, bestow on, present with (used only together with a reference to a person as recipient, otherwise use andaro); anno gandhelme <anno gande-del> [v] surrender; anno gandme <anno gande> [v] devote; annuno <anno-un> [v] sacrifice; avel  <anno-mello> [n] charity; enano <en-anno> [v] allow, confer, grant; gandan <gande-anno> [n] (1) devotion, (poetic annar ingandîen); (2) (pl gendain) dedication; nanno <ne-anno> [v] (1) conclude a bargain, (2) exchange greetings; (3) make mutual promises; orannon <or-anno-ron> [n] meaness of spirit, willfulness, spite; vannon <ve-anno-ron> [adj] generous; vegandan  <ve-gande-anno> [adj] devoted; vorannon <ve-or-anno-ron> [adj] mean, selfish, also fægîen;

adhadanth <adhad-anthe> [n] (pl edhaidanth) (1) tail; (2) a line of silk running up the front of a traditional men's shirtadhadanso <adhad-anthe> [v] wag the tail; anthar <anthe-dar> [n] (pl enthair) stick, especially a light stick carried in the hand, a walking stick, a switch; antharil <anthe-dar-il> [n] (pl enthairil) a long thick piece of stick, a rod or anything similar in appearance, also pirin; antharon <anthe-dar-ron> [n] (pl enthairon) (1) pole; (2) a pillar, supporting column, post, prop, buttress; (3) figuratively assistance, support, evidence, fundamental principlesanthel <anthe-del> [n] (pl enthil) line, file, row, also nias; anthellis <anthe-del-is> [n] (pl anthillis) dash (line); anthir <anthe-dir> [n] (pl enthir) cylinder; anthron <anthe-ron> [n] (pl enthröin) shaft, handle, holder - of tools, knife, sword, hoe, etc.; cairanthar <caira-anthe-dar> [n] (pl cairenthair) oar; cilmanthel <cilma-anthe-del> [n] (pl cilmenthil) outline; collanth <colla-anthe> [n] (pl cellainth) bullet, shell (of gun); fimanthar  <fime-anthe-dar> [n] (pl fimenthair) log, trunk of a tree when felled; manth <ma-anthe> [adj] long and thin; millanthis <milla-anthe-is> [n] (pl millenthis) unshelled pea, also orivain); millanthron <milla-anthe-ron> [n] (pl millenthröin) bean; nauranthar <nauro-anthe-dar> [n] (pl naurenthair) match, firework; noro cairantharme <noro caira-anthe-dar> [v] row, use a canoe to transport something; oranth <or-anthe> [n] (pl erainth) (1) lump; (2) a load, a burden; sultanth <sulto-anthe> [n] (pl siltainth) a long narrow strip of wood or metal, a rail; trithanth <tritto-anthe> [n] (pl trithainth) row, line, rank, series, column; tulcanth  <tulco-anthe> [n] (pl tilcainth) post, column;
ara <ara> [conj] but, yet, however, nevertheless;
alaranno  <al-aran-ron> [v] hold in trust for, be regent for; aran <aran> [n] (pl erain) king, monarch, sovereign; arandil <aran-dil> [n] (1) kingship, royalty; (2) sway, rule, dominionarandor  <aran-dor> [n] (pl arendöir) kingdom, sphere of dominion, also turin; aranhad <aran-had> [n] (pl arenhaid) palace; arannis <aran-is> [n] (pl arennis) prince, also ernil; aranno <aran-ron> [v] rule over, reign over; arîel <aran-îel> [n] (pl eril) queen, also asaranîel, also bereth; arîellis  <aran-îel-is> [n] (pl arillis) princess; baranno <be-aran-ron> [v] put in possession, make king or ruler; varanil <ve-aran-il> [adj] royal, kingly, regal, also veturin;
arun <arun> [n] (1) heat, warmth, inflammation, temperature; (2) used figuratively for zeal, ardor, energy, vehemence, martial spirit, intensity, fiercenessaruno <arun> [v] heat; enarundir <en-arun-dir> [n] (pl enarindir) fireplace, hearth, stove; varun <ve-arun> [adj] hot; varunnis <ve-arun-is> [adj] warm; vorrun <ve-or-arun> [adj] cold; vorrunnis <ve-or-arun-is> [adj] cool, also vehim; vorrunun <ve-or-arun-un> [adj] chilly, also vîelem;
ashar <asha> [n] (pl eshair) a bone; in the plural a skeleton; ashen <asha-en> [n] (1) horn of an animal - also the substance generally, (2) tusk of an elephantivory; (3) a projection, angle, corner, (4) a side e.g. of a roommathashar <matha-asha> [n] (pl methaishar) jaw, jawbone, also magar;
asilar <asila> [n] (pl esilar) time (in general), season, period of time; asildar <asila-dar> [n] (pl asildair) (1) point of time; (2) sufficient time, opportunityasildir  <asila-dir> [n] (pl asildir) clock, a timepiece; asilistir  <asila-is-dir> [n] (pl asilistir) a small clock, watch; asillis <asila-is> [n] (pl asillis) moment, a short period of time, also valda;
ast <asta> [n] anything powdered or ground small, especially grain of any kind, powder, meal etc.; asthar <asta-dar> [n] (1) sand, also lith; (2) a particle of dust; asto sarme <asta sarna> [v] cement; astun  <asta-un> [n] (1) dust, a mass (cloud) of dust, fine powder, sediment, muddiness in water; (2) used figuratively for a crowd of people in confusionastuno <asta-un> [v] dust, to sweep dust away; milnast  <milin-asta> [n] flour, also mulmar; milnasto <milin-asta> [v] flour; sarnast  <sarna-asta> [n] rubbish or lime left when a wall is demolished, cement, chalk and sand mixed;
alatho <al-athe> [v] fasten with (to, by etc.); angath <anga-athe> [n] (pl engaith) (1) chain, also limil; (2) fetters, prison, confinement, jail; (3) act (method, means, etc.) of joining;  angatho <anga-athe> [v] (1) chain, fasten, make fast, tie, bind, secure; (2) shut in, enclose, imprison, put in fettersasatho <as-athe> [v] affiliate; athar <athe-dar> [n] (pl  ethair) clan, smaller than a nation, larger than a household; athad <athe-had> [n] (pl ethaid) outskirts of a town, place adjacent; athil  <athe-il> [n](pl ethil)  associate; athilo <athe-il> [v] associate, join; athir <athe-dir> [n] (pl ethir) (1) link, anything which joins, a joining, connecting part, connection; (2) a joint of the body  athme <athe-me> [adv] together, at one place, unanimously; atho <athe> [v] (1) fasten, make fast, tie, bind, secure; (2) join, connect; atho hostme  <athe hosta> [v] federate; atho imme <athe ime> [v] communicate, inform; atho vardme <athe varda> [v] cooperative, combine, consortium; athoth <athe-hoth> [n] (pl ethöith) group, family, society; athro lainme < athe-ron laina> [v] knit, plait, twist, usually of hair; athronil <athe-ron-il> [n] (pl ethröinil) a collection of objects, number, mass, total; also lerend; athuno <athe-un> [v] tie up, confine with rope;, also serto; bangatho <be-anga-athe> [v] cause to fasten, bind tight, confine; banatho <banno-athe> [v] nail, attach with a nail or pin; bannathir <banno-athe-dir> [n] (pl bennaithir) nail, large pin or anything similar in appearance or use, also tas; cernathir <cerin-athe-dir> [n] (pl cirnaithir) implement, tool, utensil; datho <de-athe> [v] (1) be closed, (2) closableenath <en-athe tûito> [n] (pl inaith intûitar) time (place, process, results, etc.) of harvesting, reaping crops, harvest, also îavan; (pl îevain); enatho <en-athe> [v] (1) combine, make a joining, join, join together, unite, form a connection; (2)  gather, collect together, also armo; enathoth <en-athe-hoth> [n] (pl inaithoth) gathering, assembly, meeting, a number of persons, gathered or collected together; lindath <linda-athe> [n] (pl lindaith) concert; natho <ne-athe> [v] (1) fasten together or with; (2) be fastened together; orath inlaindir <or-athe laina-dir> [n] (pl eraith inlaindir) comb, anything used for combing or teasing; orathro lainme < or-athe-ron laina> [v] untwist, unbraid, loosen, usually of the hairorenath <or-en-athe> [n] (pl erinath) (1) individual; (2) vital spirit, breath, soul, self, person, essence, generally used to emphasize personality; orenathme <or-en-athe-me> [adv] (1) far, far off, apart, on one side, distant (in place or time), long ago, long after; (2) distinct, separate, different, contrary, opposite;  oratho laindirme <or-athe laina-dir> [v] comb, separate, part; orenatho <or-en-athe> [v] (1) disconnect, separate, disjoin, cut in two, pull apart; (2) unfasten, undo, untie, unbind, let loose, release;, set free, open; orvorath <or-vore-athe> [n] (pl ervöirath) ally, alliance; venath <ve-en-athe> [adj] united, joined together, connected, coherent, interdependent vorenath <ve-or-en-athe> [adj] individual, separate;
alenaudho <al-en-auda> [v] empower, give authority to; audar <auda> [n] (pl udair) property, quality, condition, state, nature of things, e.g. physical features; audhel <auda-del> [n] property, quality, condition, state, nature of persons, i.e. character, disposition, humor, habits; audheno <auda-en> [v] suffice, be sufficient for, content, be enough, (adequate, capable); audhro <auda-ron> [v] enhance, be added to, increase, make greater, multiply, magnify, enlarge; enaudheno <en-auda-en> [v] (1) satisfy, cause to be sufficient; (2) cause to be content, please, win approval of; enaudhir <en-auda-dir> [n] strength, might, power, capacity, authority, ability, faculty; enaudhnar <en-auda-nar> [n] (pl enudhnair) one who is able, possessed of power over, a ruler; enaudho <en-auda> [v] (1) be able, be strong, be capable, have strength; (2) qualify; (3) have power (means, liberty, opportunity, occasion, option, etc.); (3) be able to endure, bear, tolerateoraudhen  <or-auda-en> [n] dissatisfaction; tenaudho <ta-en-auda> [v] be practical, possible, permissible, probable;  vaudhen <ve-auda-en> [adj] satisfactory; vaudhron <ve-auda-ron> [adj] intense; vinaudhen <ve-in-auda-en> [adj] content; voraudh <ve-or-auda> [adj] neutral; voraudhen  <ve-or-auda-en> [adj] unsatisfactory;
adhinaur <adhin-aura> [n] (pl edhinaur) tomorrow, the next day, the day after; (poetic aur veradhin), also enûar; æronaur <ær-ron-aura> [n] (pl eröinaur) the fifth day of the nardhost week, also lhebaur; aldaraur <aldar-aura> [n] (pl eldairaur) the third day of the nardhost week, also neldaur; anoraur <anor-aura> [n] (pl enöiraur) the first day of the nardhost week, also minaur; audhaurîen <auda-aura-îen> [adv] daily; aur <aura> [n] (pl ur) (1) a day, a period of 24 hours, counted from sunset to sunset; (2) in a general sense, daytime; also erin; aurdhel <aura-del> [n] (pl urdhil) (1) date, especially of date of birth; (2) annals, chronicle, journal, history; belainaur <belain-aura> [n] (pl belenûir) the sixth day of the nardhost week, also engaur; gilîonaur <gilion-aura> [n] (pl gilîöinaur) the seventh day of the nardhost week, also odhaur; ithilaur <ithil-aura> [n] (pl ithilaur) the second day of the nardhost week, also adhaur; menelaur <menel-aura> [n] (pl minilaur) the fourth day of the nardhost week, also candaur; minthilaur <minthil-aura> [n] (pl minthilaur) yesterday, the previous day, the day before; nostaur <nosto-aura> [n] (pl nestûir) birthday; oraur <or-aura> [n] (pl erûir) night, night time, i.e. the hours of darkness, also fûin fwin; orauren <or-aura-en> goodnight; orauril  <or-aura-il> [n] (pl oruril) (1) evening, time of sunset; also adûial; (2) place of sunset, the west; thilenaur <thilin-aura> [n] (pl thilinaur) anniversary;
authar <autha> [n] (pl uthair) (1) war, battle, fighting; also cor (2) contest, struggle, dispute; authil  <autha-il> [n] military; authir <autha-dir> [n] (pl uthir) weapon, arms; authnar <autha-nar> [n] (pl uthnair) soldier, guard, armed attendant, also cosnar; authnaroth <autha-nar-hoth> [n] (pl uthnairoth) army, also hossoth; orauthar <or-autha> [n] peace, security, safety, confidence, also rûin; orauthil <or-autha-il> [n] civil;
alauto <al-auto> [v] (1) pay on behalf of, (2) avenge;  auto ringme <auto rineg> [v] (1) repay, compensate, reward; (2) have to pay, suffer for; autir  <auto-dir> [n] money, coin, cash - in general; autiril  <auto-dir-il> [n] (1) finance; (2) property, goods, wealth, riches, possessionauto <auto> [v] pay, give in payment; autun <auto-un> [n] (pl utûin) fine, ransom; bainautar <baina-auta> (pl bainutair) [n] (1) gratuity, (2) present, gift, keepsake; bauto <be-auto> [v] (1) make pay, exact a return from; (2) take vengence on; enauto  <en-auto> [v] charge, collect from; enauto mairve <en-auto maire> [v] overcharge, collect too much; enauten <en-auto-en> [n] (pl enutin) fee, commission; mærautar <mæro-auto> [n] profit, gain, advantage, interest; mærauto <mæro-auto> [v] (1) get profit from, derive benefit from, turn to good account, prosper;m (2) get pleasure from entertainment;  mairautar  <maire-auto> [n] (pl mairutair) premium, bonus; rasautar <raso-auto> [n] (pl rasutair) salary, wages, payment for work done or services provided; sulautar <sulto-auto> [n] (1) favor, kindness, benefit, privilege; (2) patronage; sulauthnar <sulto-auto-nar> [n] (pl suluthnair) patron, benefactor; tulautir <tulo-auto-dir> [n] (pl tulutir) something gotten, an acquisition, gain, receipts, profit, income, revenue; voraud <ve-or-auto> [adj] unpaid, free;
avair <avairo> [n] (pl ever) success, prosperity, benefit, favor, comfort; avairil <avairo-il> [n] (pl averil) victory, conquest, overcoming; avairilen <avairo-il-en> [n] (pl averilen) triumph; avairo  <avairo> [v] succeed, prosper, benefit; avairo permme <avairo peren> [v] prosper, become wealthy; avarildro <avairo-il-ron > [v] conquer, vanquish; avarilo  <avairo-il> [v] overcome, win; enavarilo  <en-avairo-il> [v] triumph; oravairo <or-avairo> [v] fail, reverse, lose, also gelo; oravarilo  <or-avairo-il> [v] defeat, loss;
avandel <avanto-del> [n] (pl avendil) expression, showing, exhibition, also gentel; avando <avanto> [v] express, exhibit, show; avando minhadle <avanto minhad> [v] present, demonstrate; avantelo  <avanto-del> [v] express, speak, utter, articulate, also gentelo; avantro  <avanto-ron > [v] cause to see, show, point out, exhibit, display, parade; avantuno  <avanto-un> [v] (1) expose, uncover, unfold, lay open; (2) disclose, reveal, explain; carmavand <carmo-avanto> [n] (pl cermaivand) stunt, dangerous activity;